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    Kathryn Marrington

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Kindy Uplift Priority Areas: Oral Language and Literacy, Executive Function

EYLF Outcomes 1, 2 ,3 and 5

QKLG Communicating Wellbeing,  Identity and connectedness.

Expected Outcomes of this Program

This program will show you how to use TalkiPlay, an innovative tool for speech and language learning while also helping children develop executive function. Executive function is how we regulate our emotions, learn speech and language, develop literacy and interact socially.

Participants will also learn how speech and language are linked to executive function, and how TalkiPlay can boost both. You will learn how to make a positive and inclusive learning space for children with different executive function needs and abilities, and how to connect with them through play.

Outcomes for

  • Children:

    • TalkiPlay helps all children to improve their attention, listening understanding and expressive language.  TalkiPlay also supports social and emotional development by enhancing a child’s confidence, motivation, and self-esteem.
    • For children who have speech and language challenges, TalkiPlay levels the playing field to make language more accessible.
    • For children who may have typically emerging or advanced language development, TalkiPlay can provide extension and opportunities for increased quality of peer interaction.
  • Educators:

    Early childhood educators will demonstrate an increase in purposeful, play based communication strategies with children, including:

    • Initiating increased verbal interactions with children
    • Observing verbal & non-verbal cues that indicated children’s interests
    • Responding to child interests with language development learning games
    • Facilitating inclusive language practice with children of differing language abilities
  • Your Service:

    • Increased parent/caregiver engagement
    • Improved Educator well-being and professional knowledge.
    • TalkiPlay will allow you to actively address areas for improvement identified on QIP and SIP.

Consider the following questions when reviewing your service’s data when preparing  your Kindy Uplift plan...

  • Child Level data:

    • How many children enrolled in your service have a diagnosed disability or developmental delay?
    • How many children require have an individual learning plan due to speech and language challenges?
    • Did your pre-Kindy teacher raise concerns about any children who may communication challenges?
    • How many children are enrolled in your service who are learning English as their second language?
    • Have you received specialist reports or Speech Pathology treatment plans but are unsure how to implement them at Kindy?
    • Do you have children enrolled who are  demonstrating low social or challenging behaviours?
  • Service Level Data:

    • Have you identified a need to enrich language experiences as an area for improvement on your service’s QIP?
    • Have you wanted to improve or extend you services use of innovative technology and documented this on your QIP?
    • Does TalkiPlay’s mission and values align with your service’s statement or philosophy?
    • Has your team benefited from engaging with a speech pathologist previously and want to extend the earning?
    • Have you identified, on your service’s SIP that diverse communication abilities of children is a barrier to inclusion?
  • Community data:

    According to the AEDC Community Profile (2021), does your community have greater than 10% of children identified as developmentally vulnerable or at risk on domains of social competence or communication skills and general knowledge?

  • Educator data:

    • Has speech and language support  been identified as a priority area for Professional Learning by your service’s educators?
    • Have your service’s educators expressed  low confidence  when supporting children with diverse speech and language abilities?
    • Have your service’s educator expressed feelings of discomfort or stress as a result of complex and diverse communication abilities in the Kindergarten room/s?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, make TalkiPlay Language Program part of your 2024 Kindy Uplift Plan

TalkiPlay language Program for Early Childhood Professionals

  • TalkiPlay Communication Champion Program

    Delivery Method

    4 webinars with a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

    1-1 TalkiPlay communication support session

    Online training course access for two educators

    Observation and reflection worksheets to support EYLF planning cycle for Lead Educator.

    Centre Cost:  $1,550 (+$300 for each additional educator)

    Numbers included: 2 attendees.

    Included resources:

    Observation and reflection worksheets to support EYLF planning cycle for Lead Educator

    1 TalkiPlayer

    1 enabled communication rainbow

    1 enabled communication planet set

    15 enabled communication smart stickers

    Premium language games access

    StoryPark provocations with links to contemporary pedagogy and practice.

  • TalkiPlay Multi-Educator Package

    Delivery Method:

    4 webinars with a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

    1-1 TalkiPlay communication support session

    Online training course access for six educators

    Observation and reflection worksheets to support EYLF planning cycle for Lead Educator.

    Centre Cost: $3804

    Numbers included: 6 attendees.

    Included resources:

    4 TalkiPlayers

    2 enabled communication rainbow sets

    2 enabled communication planet sets

    20 enabled communication smart stickers

    Premium language games access

    StoryPark provocations with links to contemporary pedagogy and practice

    1-1 setup technical support

    Technical support guide access

    Speech scaffolding resources booklet for individual and group activities on language development

    links to contemporary pedagogy and practice.