TalkiPlay Communication Base Kit
What’s included in your TalkiPlay Kit
Our TalkiPlay Base Kit features everything you need to kickstart your child’s communication journey. It includes one TalkiPlay speaker in a sleeping bag, the charging cord, one wooden rainbow set of ‘smart’ stickers and 12 additional ‘smart’ stickers that you can use with your toys to extend your child’s vocabulary further.
Parents will also need to download the TalkiPlay app to activate the device and program the tags.
If you 'd like an invoice for NDIS claims please use this link to request an invoice from one of our helpful TalkiPlay team members: NDIS – TalkiPlay
What’s in the Base Kit?:
1 x TalkiPlayer device – I’m cute, yellow and I am your child’s hand-held speech & language guide to take home and keep.
1 x Wooden Rainbow Set.
1x TalkiPlayer recharge cord.
1x TalkiPlayer protective bag.
12 x Extra smart stickers.
1 x TalkiPlayer companion app free to track your child’s progress.
1 x TalkiPlay game token to unlock the next speech game of your choice for free.